Sunday 4 March 2012

Wisdom : Cats & Dogs

I love animals, all animals, thats the main reason I'm vegetarian, I love them ALIVE! But here are a few things I've picked over the years of living with both cats and dogs!

Cats tend to be more selfish. Sleeping all day waiting to be fed, they are more like "Gee I must be God because these human things feed me and pat me and pay all sorts of attention to me!"

Don't get me wrong I love cats even though they make me sneeze! <3

My old cat Nancy!

Dogs on the other hand are more devoted and loyal to you and seem to think along these lines more "These human things pat me and feed me and pay me all sorts of attention, man they must be Gods!"

I love dogs I really do, I feel wrong without one! So I'll post a picture of my pup Max who is living in Dunedin with my mother (HI MUM!!!)

My Maximilian Pegasus! Yes in purple pajamas (my mother made them for him)!

Love Molly xxx

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